KAILASA's Devi Parashakti
Nithyanandeshwara Paramashiva Devalayam
About Devi Parashakti
Parashakti is the Source Shakti, Source energy, Source power from which all of us came, in which all of us are even in now, in which all of us are going to merga
It is like how the wave starts from ocean, raises from the ocean, stays in the ocean, merges with the ocean. Same way, we all start from Parashakti, raise in Parashakti, and merge in Parashakti.
Atma Pramana
Tiru Jnanasambandar, a great master, his bio memory itself was never disconnected from the Cosmic Consciousness. That is why within 3 years of age, he just remembered his original state and the Cosmic Mother –Prakruthi – offered her own presence into it. That is why visually we depict Devi came and gave her own milk to him. It is visual representation of the Cosmic Mother, Prakruthi – nature, opened herself to Tiru Jnanasambandar and poured her essence into Tiru Jnanasambandar.
At the age of 3, when Jnanasambandar started feeling that individual identity may start happening in him, he felt deeply disturbed. He wants to remain in Cosmic Consciousness. So he strongly cried, expressed his deep suffocation, uncomfortable disturbed feeling towards the cosmos. His body, bio memory was established in enlightenment. That is why just the moment he expressed his suffocation, Cosmos had to respond, Cosmos had to appear, Cosmos had to express itself. Immediately the Cosmos expresses itself to bless Tiru Jnanasambandar to make Tiru Jnanasambandar experience the ultimate, the Cosmic Mother – Prakruthi.
Devi appears and pours her own essence into him which is enlightenment. That is the story of enlightenment milk, enlightening milk – Jnana Paal. When cosmos poured her essence into Tiru Jnanasambandar, he became enlightened. And in that gratitude, ecstasy, samadhi, the extraordinary sacred sentiments started expressing from him. Please understand there is no intellectual philosophy in Jnanasambandar’s writings. It is just expression of sacred sentiments out of gratitude.
The Sacred Feminine
Parashakti is the main deity of the sacred feminine, and the divine consort of Bhagavan Paramashiva (who is the Lord of Supreme Consciousness)
Parashakti is the embodiment of Thyaga.
Parashakti can be infused into your life, every way Parashakti is infused into your life, She manifests as you want. You want death, you want enlightenment, you want powers, you want health, you want eternal life, whatever you want manifests in your life as the Iccha shakti (energy of creation), Jnana shakti (energy of intelligence), kriya shakti (energy of manifestation). She manifests in you as what you want.

You receive your bio memory from your mother and your inner image comes from your bio memory. Completion with mother only can heal and complete your bio memory and raise you to your highest inner image. Cosmic mother worship is the direct method to experience completion with your biological and cosmic mother. “Our body is an outcome of our biological Mother’s bio intelligence for which we can only be grateful for. Let our inner space be filled with her as she is the gate to experience the Cosmic Mother.” This feeling is called Matru Bhava. Bring motherliness in all your relationships with others. You will be able to heal you. You will be able to fill you. You will be able to complete within yourself. When you bring tremendous healing energy of mother in your day to day attitude with everything. Suddenly you will see you will be so cool with yourself.
How does Guru, Linga and Sanga help you in radiating Parashakti
Guru: Just by initiation, Guru will awaken the Parashakti in you.
Linga: Continuously holds the initiation energy in you and protects you.
Sangha: Will make you expand and continuously be radiating Parashakti.

“Our body is an outcome of our biological Mother’s bio intelligence for which we can only be grateful for. Let our inner space be filled with her as she is the gate to experience the Cosmic Mother.”
HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam’s Message
HDH Experience of Devi Parashakti

Ask the Deity
Get readings and answers directly from Devi Parashakti
The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam. has blessed the whole humanity with the sacred gift of “Deity Reading” The ordained priest of ShriKailasa who is initiated by His Divine Holiness into the “Deity Reading”, gets into the space of Oneness with His Divine Holiness and connects to the deity installed by The Avatar.
All the deities in the temples of ShriKailasa across the globe, to which His Divine Holiness has done Prana Pratishta, are in continuous entanglement with Paramashiva Himself – His Divine Holiness. The ordained priest, by the power of The Avatar’s deeksha also gets into entanglement with The Avatar during the time of “Deity reading”. As a result, the priest resonates in the same frequency and space of the deity. In that sacred space, the prayers of the devotees are read out by the priest to the Deity. The priest receives the answer from the Deity and reads that out back to the devotee. The priest becomes a channel for the deity to reply to the prayers of the devotees.
Through this Deity readings, His Divine Holiness has created a great opportunity to get real-time real answers from the deities. When you attend the session of Deity reading, you get the blessing of Nayanadeeksha of the deity. It means – the graceful eyes of the deity falls on you and your home. By attending the session, you will get opportunity of lifetimes to get real-time solutions from Gods of Kailasa. You will also be blessed with the Shaktinipata – entanglement with the deity and be initiated into the personal sacred connection with the deity, which, but for the grace of the Avatar HDH , would take thousands of years of spiritual practice.
Offerings & Sevas
Connect with Devi Parashakti through Worship Homa, Puja, Archana

रोगानशेषानपहंसि तुष्टा रुष्टा तु कामा सकलानभीष्टान्
त्वामाश्रितानां न विपन्नराणां|त्वामाश्रिता श्रयतां प्रयान्ति‖29‖
When satisfied, you destroy all illness but when wrathful you (frustrate) all the longed-for desires. No calamity befalls men who have sought you. Those who have sought you become verily a refuge of others.
– Devi Mahatmyam ch 11 sloka 29
Meaning: When Devi Parashakti is pleased, She remove all diseases. If She is displeased She has the power to destroy everything. The one who Worships Devi Parashakti, does not have any danger or accident.
शत्रुभ्यो न भयं तस्य दस्युतो वा न राजतः|
न शस्त्रानलतो यौघात् कदाचित् सम्भविष्यति ‖6‖
śatrubhyo na bhayaṃ tasya dasyuto vā na rājataḥ|
na śastrānalato yaughāt kadācit sambhaviśhyati ‖6‖
He shall not experience fear from enemies, or from robbers and kings, or from weapon, fire and flood.
– Devi Mahatmyam ch 12 sloka 6
Meaning: By Worshipping Devi Parashakti, She removes all our fears and gives us the knowledge to make our fears redundant

तयैतन्मोह्यते विश्वं सैव विश्वं प्रसूयते|
सायाचिता च विज्ञानं तुष्टा ऋद्धिं प्रयच्छति‖37‖
tayaitanmohyate viśvaṃ saiva viśvaṃ prasūyate|
sāyācitā ca viGYānaṃ tuśhṭā ṛddhiṃ prayacChati‖37‖
By her this universe is deluded, and it is she who creates this universe. And when entreated, she bestows supreme knowledge, and when propitiated, whe bestows prosperity.
– Devi Mahatmyam Ch 12, sloka 37
Meaning: When Devi Parashakti is asked, She gives Enlightenment; If She is pleased, She bestows growth, prosperity, success, good fortune, wealth , abundance
शत्रुभ्यो न भयं तस्य दस्युतो वा न राजतः|
न शस्त्रानलतो यौघात् कदाचित् सम्भविष्यति ‖6‖
śānti karmāṇi sarvatra tathā dusvapna darśane। grahapīḍāsu cogrāsu māhātmyaṃ śṛṇuyānmama॥16॥
Let one listen to this glorification of mine everywhere, at a propitiatory ceremony, on seeing a bad dream, and when there is the great evil influence of planets.
– Devi Mahatmyam ch 12 sloka 6
Meaning: Any negative influence of planets, Ill-Effects caused by the position of the planets or bad dreams will immediately be removed by Devi Parashakti

सर्वाबाधाप्रशमनं त्रैलोक्यस्याखिलेश्वरि।
एवमेव त्वया कार्यमस्मद्वैरिविनाशनम्॥३९॥
sarvābādhāpraśamanaṃ trailokyasyākhileśvari। evameva tvayā kāryamasmadvairivināśanam॥39॥
O Queen of all, this same manner, you must destroy all our enemies and all the afflictions of three worlds.
Meaning: Devi Parashakti removes all our obstacles and destroys our enemies and negative thought patterns , which stops us from manifesting our reality.
स्थावरं जङ्गमं वापि कृत्रिमं चापि यद्विषम् ।
अभिचाराणि सर्वाणि मन्त्रयन्त्राणि भूतले ॥ ४४॥
Sthavaram jangamam chapi kruthrimam chapi yadvisham, Abhicharani sarvani manthra yanthrani bhoothale॥ 44 ॥
All the black magic done in this world, and the bad spirits which travel on the earth and in the sky, which are made in water,which can be created.
– Devi kavacham shloka 44
Meaning: Worship of Devi Parashakti removes all kinds of influence of all black magic in our lives

Naivedyams for Devi Parashakti
Food offerings that can be cooked and offered to the deity of Devi Parashakti
Naivedyam for Devi Parashakti
Tamarind Rice
A tangy rice dish made with channa and urad dals, infused with the flavor of tamarind pulp. Tamarind rice is actually a north Indian version of Pulihora or Puliyodharayi, where the term ‘Puli’ means something sour. Tamarind here is the sour ingredient. This is a perfect meal to cook when you want something light, easy and quick.

- ½ padi Rice
- 1½ padi Water
- 3 palam Gingely oil
For Tamarind Paste:
- ½ padi Water
- 6 palam Tamarind pulp
- 1½ palam Salt
1. Heat the water and mix the rice and boil till it gets cooked properly. Drain the excess water. Put the rice on a clean stone surface.When the rice is still hot add the gingelly oil and keep mixing with your hands.
2. Take a lead coated vessel, add the tamarind and water. Squeeze the tamarind as much u can and extract the juice out of it. Discard the seed and pulp. Take the crystal salt and powder it. Add it to the tamarind juice.
3. Take a brass vessel and heat the oil till it gets medium heated. Add red chilly, mustard seeds, fenugreek seeds and asafoetida and temper based on the way prescribed in recipe no. 22.
4. To the above tempered mixture add turmeric powder and curry leaves and mix it gently.
5. Then add the tamarind mixture and stir continuously till all the water gets completely absorbed into the mixture.
6. The end mixture should be very thick in consistency. Add the paste to the rice kept on a stone surface and mix it gently .
7. If we tie the mixture in an areca leaf(palm leaf) it will stay good for 10-15 days.
Naivedyam for Ganesha
Appam is a type of pancake, originating from South India, made with fermented rice batter and coconut milk, common in Kerala, Sri Lanka, Tamil Nadu. It is eaten most frequently for breakfast or dinner. Plain Appam or Vella Appam are bowl-shaped thin pancakes made from fermented rice flour.

- 1 padi Semolina
- ½ palam Salt
- 40 palam Jaggeryur
1. Boil 1 padi water in a stove. Put semolina in the boiling water and stir well without forming lumps and close it. After it is cooked ¾th, add salt, jaggery and mash well. Add wheat flour and mash well. Remove from fire and keep it on a tray.
2. Knead everything together in the tray. Take a lemon sized ball and keep it on the palm of the hand in an oiled banana leaf and spread it round in shape. Fry it in ghee or oil and cook it well. This appam can also be made with rice flour.
3. You can use jackfruit or white pumpkin to make this appam. Cut these fruits into smaller pieces and boil. After it is almost done, add salt, jaggery and mash well. Remove from fire. Add ½ padi wheat flour and knead well. Follow the procedure for the rest of th
4. To the above tempered mixture add turmeric powder and curry leaves and mix it gently.
5. Then add the tamarind mixture and stir continuously till all the water gets completely absorbed into the mixture.
6. The end mixture should be very thick in consistency. Add the paste to the rice kept on a stone surface and mix it gently .
7. If we tie the mixture in an areca leaf(palm leaf) it will stay good for 10-15 days.